Tuesday, June 11, 2024

#1 Amazon New Release in Asian and Contemporary Poetry


My new digital chapbook, Lunar Gazing Haiku, reached #1 Amazon New Release in Asian and Contemporary Poetry. This is beyond my wildest expectations!

Amazon Book Blurb:

"In Japan, tsukimi (moon gazing) is an annual Harvest Moon Festival celebrated in September. Dating back centuries, when the noble classes composed music and poetry while viewing the full moon, the festival now includes everybody and marks the celebration of the autumn season. Looking for the 'rabbit in the moon' while picnicking under the stars, appreciating the moon’s sacred splendor, giving thanks for bounties received, and looking forward to a prosperous future make this a special event. The 62 haiku in this digital chapbook celebrate all seasons and all aspects of life, with the last chapter dedicated to moon gazing. Enjoy the fun!"

Purchase links:



Thank you!

Dawn Pisturino

June 11, 2024

Copyright 2024 Dawn Pisturino. All Rights Reserved.

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